How To Keep Your Air Compressor Running Smoothly

If you have an industrial strength air compressor in your workplace, you will want to keep it running without any breakdowns, if possible. It is there to make your life easier on the job and when it needs repairs, it will make the job harder to perform while it is down. Doing routine maintenance can help you keep your air compressor in good working order. Here are some of the things you need to check regularly to keep it running properly.

Check The Filters

The air filters of an air compressor get dirty very quickly. Check the air filters at least once a week to see how much debris may have been collected. Take the air filter out of the machine and shake to remove any dirt accumulation. If there is an abundance of buildup, replace the filter. The filter should be regularly replaced about once a month. If you don't regularly replace the air filter, the dirt can jam up the moving parts inside your compressor, causing it to seize.

Clean The Exterior

Clean your air compressor daily. Use a commercial grade detergent and a clean cloth to wipe down all exterior parts. Routine cleanings can keep the debris from getting into the air filter, saving on replacement filters. 

Check For Leaks

Make it a priority to check for leakage daily. If you find that there is an area where air is leaking, have it repaired as soon as possible. Leaving a leak can lead to bigger problems down the road, costing a lot of money. You can save by repairing smaller leaks before they get bigger.

Check The Oil

Do not allow your air compressor to run without adequate oil. The oil is needed to keep the interior parts lubricated and running without restriction. Check the oil level weekly and add oil if it appears to be lower than the oil indicator level. Most air compressors will also have an oil filter that will need to be replaced. Do this at regularly scheduled intervals, approximately once every month.

Check The Belts

The belts inside your air compressor should be checked weekly to make sure they are running through the machine without jerky movement. Check the belts for any wear, such as cracking or looking torn in any way. The belts should be replaced if you see anything that does not look safe or if it is not running through the machine smoothly.

For more information, contact an air compressor supplier, like UE Compression LLC.

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Staying Safe Around Industrial Equipment

Sometimes you need to take a step back from worrying about profits and instead focusing more on keeping employees safe. Having outdated or tricky heavy construction equipment on-site can be a danger to many people. If you seem to have faulty equipment, invest some time in making a long list of equipment updates and purchase or rent what you need to keep everyone safe and projects moving forward. Once you have the new equipment, everything should operate more efficiently and your workers should be safer than ever. Check out this blog for more information about heavy construction equipment and safety measures.

